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The One – all the hydraulics, electronics, battery and control system expertise you need
09.02.2023. The One welcomes Mobile Integrator and the platform’s growth continues. HydX, ETP Kraftelektronik and Mobile Integrator are building an exciting partnership that creates sustainable, effective and customised solutions. “This is a great opportunity for our customers; we can deliver hydraulics, electronics, batteries and control systems in whatever combination the customer needs,” says HydX’s Sales Manager Henrik Pålsson.
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A Milestone Year That Inspires Confidence in the Future
"We wanted to have fun, build a great team, and that feeling is still present at HydX"
From zero to several hundred million – the formula behind the success
The first order laid the foundation for success
HydX – from idea to success
HydX new workplace embodies effectiveness, eco-awareness and responsibility
HydX is open all summer
HydX secures its future talents
HydX is turning 15 – right in the middle of an exciting growth phase
HydX – a responsive partner for expertise and innovation