RETURNs & claims

If you are not satisfied with the product you purchased from us, you can make a complaint or return it to us. For the processing of such a case, you must fill in a Returns & Claims Report to enclose with the product that is sent to Ystad, see address below. Should you need any help to fill in the report, please feel free to contact your HydX contact. Please click on “Returns & Claims Report” to the right to download the form to your computer in Excel and/or PDF format.


The product is to have been originally supplied by HydX AB and is a regular stock item of HydX AB. The product is to be fault-free, unpainted, unused, and returned in original packaging. The product is to have been delivered to you no more than 30 days prior to the return date.

When the above conditions are met, the invoice value – minus a credit fee of 20% – will be credited. If the above conditions are not met, a return handling fee of SEK 750 will be charged and the product is returned at your expense. Should the fault in the delivery have been caused by HydX AB, the product will be replaced or credited free of charge. 


Claims must be made within the warranty period of 12 months or according to an agreement. Approved claims are primarily refurbished, secondly replaced and thirdly credited. The warranty does not apply if the product is or has been dismantled.

Any replacement deliveries made before completing the claim case will be charged to you. If the product relating to the claim is to be repaired, it will also be sent back to you. We follow the General Terms and Conditions NL09.

The product, with an enclosed Returns & Claims Report is to be sent to:

Attention: Returns & Claims
Norra Zinkgatan 29 271 39 Ystad, Sweden


Contact us

Norra Zinkgatan 29
271 39 Ystad

+46 411-557180

Company details
Personal data policy
Return and claims


Contact us