An MD’s thoughts on the past year and the future

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_DSC7300(kopia)(1)With 2019 about to merge into 2020, I’d just like to take this opportunity to briefly recall the past year and touch upon what we can anticipate for the next. 

For HydX as a company and for me as Managing Director, 2019 was a very special year. It was the year we celebrated our ten-year anniversary and I feel a tremendous pride and modesty when I think back on the time that has passed since this fantastic journey started in 2009, and that we were given the opportunity to celebrate this together during a fantastic weekend in Gothenburg earlier this autumn. 

 2019 a very special year 

It was an anniversary to celebrate the ten years that have passed, but also the start of an equally successful and bright future. The drive our employees possess, the teamwork we deliver every day and the enjoyment we create together is something unique and is what I will carry with me into the future. It may sound trivial, but our strength is that we all strive for the same goals; and as our company grows, I see this as one of my most important responsibilities: to maintain the enjoyment that is such an important part of HydX's core values ​​and which causes us to stand strong together and enables us to build rewarding and long-term relationships with our customers. 

Commercially, 2019 has also been a very good year, we have had the highest turnover since the start and managed very successfully to integrate the Mini Power System that we acquired in 2018. It’s by no means easy to move a business from one city to another and incorporate it into an ongoing production, but we managed it effectively and without any disruption. 

Onwards to 2020 with an offensive business plan 

Together, we have managed this past year to grow our company and become stronger. We have had the privilege of being able to recruit highly competent employees both in Sweden and to our office in Finland and I look forward with confidence to next year. 

Even though there is talk of tougher economic activity in 2020 and possibly also 2021, I see we stand well-equipped. Together with our owners Volito, we have an expansive and offensive business plan and we have already implemented several offensive initiatives. In order to meet growing market demands, we have restructured our sales department to become more offensive. We have also broadened our product range and developed our warehouse to meet our customers' demands for high quality and fast deliveries. 

I want to finish by thanking you all for your excellent collaboration in 2019 and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a continued successful and enjoyable teamwork for 2020.

Mikael Andersson


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271 39 Ystad

+46 411-557180

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