This policy applies to the processing of personal data that HydX AB ("HydX" or "We") collects about you, for example via our website (including third party social networks), email, text messages, phone, in other contacts with us, from our group companies, third parties and from publicly available information.

We protect your personal integrity. This policy governs how we collect, use and protect data about you and how to exercise your rights. Please contact us if you have questions or comments regarding this Personal Data Policy.

With reference to the law, we refer to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable Swedish data protection legislation.


"Personal data" means data that relates to you and can identify you. This Personal Data Policy uses synonymously and alternately the terms "personal data" and "data about you".

Usually, you can use our website without providing us with any data apart from purely technical information. Otherwise, the personal data we process about you most often comes from you or from someone in your organization in connection with the purchase and execution of our services such as product and technology development, commissioning, service, maintenance and support.

On certain pages you will be requested to provide data, for example in connection with service matters or if you register to subscribe to an electronic newsletter. If you represent a company as a supplier, contractor or consultant to us, the data may come from someone in your organization or from you. Furthermore, we may use data about you that we have collected from other sources provided by third parties such as marketing and sales companies.

This may involve the following personal data about you:

Personal and contact details – such as your name, address, email address and telephone number, date of birth, age, gender and leisure activities, and, if clearly justified by the purpose of the processing or the importance of a secure identification, also your personal identification number.

Technical information about your device or internet connection – for example IP address, cookies, geographic location and login details.

Information about your user behavior – such as your search patterns and activities on the website, your response time on pages and how you use our services.

User-generated information – content that you personally register, submit or publish, for example in connection with conversations with customer service or via the contact forms on our website as well as content you share with us by uploading on our website or on social networks (which you allow the network to share with us) such as texts, videos and photos.

Information from other sources – such as publicly available information or information from our partners.



In order for our processing of your personal data to be legal, it is assumed that there is a legal basis for it, i.e. that it is necessary to fulfill an agreement with you or a legal obligation that we are required to fulfill, that the processing is carried out after weighing up interests or that you have given your consent for specific processing. The following are examples of the purposes for which we process your personal data and which legal basis is applied.

HydX processes your personal data for different purposes. For the most part, HydX processes your data for the following purposes and according to the following associated legal bases:

One of our primary purposes for collecting personal data is to fulfill our obligations to our customers and suppliers, such as managing orders and fulfilling other commitments associated with the purchase of our products and services, for accounting and billing purposes, sending out information for product safety purposes, and otherwise ensuring our compliance with legal requirements, such as the Accounting Act.

Legal basis: fulfillment of an agreement or legal obligation, or, if you are a representative, employee or otherwise represent an organization that has entered into an agreement with us – legitimate interest. HydX’s legitimate interest in the above-mentioned personal data processing is to be able to comply with the above-mentioned agreement or legal obligation.

Another primary purpose of our use of personal data is to customize our products and services. We use the data we collect to provide information requested about products and services, but also to better understand our customers. To achieve this, we conduct customer surveys and market analyzes among other things. Furthermore, we use personal data for statistical purposes. Customer and market analyzes and processing for statistical purposes are performed at a combined level and are not intended to identify individuals.

Legal basis: legitimate interest. HydX’s legitimate interest in the above-mentioned personal data processing is to be able to offer you better products and services, and a better purchasing and customer experience, as well as provide you/your organization with customized offers and other relevant information.

We may use personal data, such as contact information as well as information about date of birth, age, gender and leisure activities to send newsletters by post, email, text message or telephone, inform you about new products and services, promotions, offers and other information about our products and services that we or our partners offer and that we think may be of interest to you or your organization. We may thus use data about you for direct marketing, provided that we have not been instructed to refrain from this

You may at any time raise an objection to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes by contacting us in the manner described under point 11 below, or directly via our electronic mailings. Legal basis: legitimate interest. HydX’s legitimate interest in the above-mentioned personal data processing is to be able to offer you better products and services, and a better purchasing and customer experience, as well as provide you/your organization with customized offers and other relevant information.

3. COOKIE information

We use cookies, electronic images and similar tracking techniques on our website and in our email communications. For more information on how to use cookies and similar, see our document "About cookies".


We process your personal data with utmost caution and your information is used only by us and by selected third parties.

Third parties, including group companies, that we engage to assist us in conducting our business (e.g. for IT and customer surveys) are in most cases only allowed to use your personal data on our behalf and for the specific tasks they are to perform according to our instructions. They thus act as personal data processors for us. They are required to keep your personal information confidential and secure.

In order to perform a service for us or you/your organization, offer better products and services or for marketing purposes, we may also pass on your personal data to other third parties, usually to independent personal data controllers, such as our strategic supplier partners where we act as their distributor (e.g. in handover of projects, business transactions or complete customer relations or for direct deliveries) freight service companies, insurance companies, banks/credit information companies or to advertising networks with which we collaborate.

We may also in other specific cases disclose personal data, for example when we have reason to believe that the data is necessary to identify, contact or take legal action relating, for example, to someone against whom we have a claim or who may have illegally accessed the website or otherwise infringed or contravened our rights or property, or our customers’ or other visitors’/partners’ rights.

The processing of your personal data in accordance with this Personal Data Policy may require that your personal data is transferred to a destination outside Sweden. The transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA is only carried out to the extent that it is permitted by law and thereby requires, for example, that the country in question has an agreement with the EU/EEA, that the country is deemed to have sufficient data protection legislation, or that we have entered into an agreement with the relevant third party stating that they are required to apply the EU Commission-approved clauses regarding the protection of personal integrity. You will find a list of approved third countries and standard clauses on the EU Commission website and on the Swedish Data Inspection Authority website concerning data transfer to third countries.



In accordance with law, you are entitled to request information about personal data we have about you after you have identified yourself and clearly stated what information you wish to see. Such a request must be in writing, signed by the person making the request and sent to the address mentioned below under point 11. Furthermore, we may request further information in order to ensure that the data is disclosed to the right person. We will respond as soon as possible and process your request within one month. In cases where we cannot meet your request, we will notify you and state why.

If you consider that the data about you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right, as prescribed and delimited by law, to contact us with a request for rectification. We will correct or update the data about you as soon as reasonably possible. You also have, as prescribed by law, the right to request the removal of data about you or request that we limit the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to revoke any consent.

Furthermore, you have the right, as prescribed by law, to transfer (portability) the personal data you have provided to us.

Please note that there may be a requirement for us to retain necessary personal data in connection with deletion, revocation of consent, or portability to fulfill our obligations required by law or agreement. It may also be permitted for us by law to retain certain personal data to meet our business needs

You are entitled to object to such processing of your personal data that we do based on the weighing up of interests. We must then, after you have specified the processing that you object to, show that there are interests that weigh heavier. You also have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing.

6. storage time

Your personal information will only be stored for as long as necessary for the purposes of this Personal Data Policy or as required by law or agreement. Personal data will be deleted or anonymized when it is no longer relevant for the purposes for which it have been collected or is no longer required by law or agreement.

7. DATA Security

We process personal data in accordance with the applicable laws on personal data processing. Personal data is stored in operating environments that use security measures to prevent unauthorized access. The appropriate standards for the protection of personal data are followed. The measures are taken to prevent unauthorized or illegal processing of data about you and the accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, this data.

Should a personal data incident be discovered, this will, as prescribed by law, be reported to the Swedish Data Inspection Authority and to you

8. Links To other websites

Please note that on this website there may be links to other websites. In the event that you follow such a link, this may cause you to visit other websites that have integrity protection rules other than those specified in this Personal Data Policy.


This Personal Data Policy may be updated by us. If there are significant changes to this Personal Data Policy, we will notify you by posting a clear message on the website or in other appropriate channels. We encourage you to review this Personal Data Policy to keep informed about how we process your personal data.

10. complaints

If you consider that the processing of your personal data has been handled incorrectly, please report this to us immediately. You also have the option to file a complaint with the Swedish Data Inspection Authority regarding our personal data processing

11. cONTAcT

HydX AB, 556791-5326, is the personal data controller for the processing of your personal data as described above, unless expressly stated in connection with the collection of your data. If you have any questions about the policy or our personal data processing, please contact us, see details below.

Address: Norra Zinkgatan 29, 271 39 Ystad, Sweden
Phone: +46 411 557 180

Contact us

Norra Zinkgatan 29
271 39 Ystad

+46 411-557180

Company details
Personal data policy
Return and claims


Contact us